What foods to eat to solve everyday health problems?
Everyday health problems such as fatigue, insomnia and bloating can be treated by making simple changes to the diet. Making simple changes to the diet can help a person sleep better, have more energy during the day, prevent headaches and improve overall daily health.
Reduce fatigue
Drink more water, eat nuts and foods high in potassium, and avoid sugary snacks and fast foods.
Sleep well
Eat kiwi, milk, salmon, and avoid alcohol, coffee and sweets.
Treat headaches
Eat blueberries, water, almonds, and avoid avocados, carbonated drinks and processed foods.
[Avocado is rich in magnesium, it also contains tyramine – an enzyme that can cause headaches in some people].
Prevent stress
Eat shellfish, avocados, olive oil and avoid alcohol, coffee and carbonated drinks.
Treatment of back and joint pain
Foods with anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce joint and back pain. Consume salmon, almonds, foods containing potassium, cabbage and lettuce, which are rich in glutamine, and avoid red meat, processed foods and carbonated drinks.
Treatment of flatulence
Consume avocados, strawberries, tofu, and avoid milk, beans and carbonated drinks.
Broccoli, potatoes, oats, starchy foods prevent heartburn, and spicy, fatty and fast foods cause stomach irritation and heartburn. Vitamin C can also prevent irritation caused by stomach acid. Broccoli and many other green vegetables are the best sources of vitamin C.
Additionally, nutritionists recommend foods like salmon, nuts, fruits, and even drinking a glass of plain water to reduce many common ailments.